20 June 2005

The Green Crack House on the corner

The green crack house on the corner - EVERY corner of this flippin city. If there isn't a Starbucks - there is another coffee shop awaiting your arrival. I can't break the habit!!!!

I love everything about the coffee - even the way it entices you back after a long absence. It does so with it's freshly brewed aroma (which fills your nostrils as soon as you reach for the door to walk in) - slightly astringent, bitter with a hint of chocolate. It does so with it's color - dark, roasted, smooth and flowing. The sultry way it mixes with cream - allowing the off-white color to slowly mix with it's deep brownish/black in swirling until a warm tan is present. It entices with its ecclectic combinations - latte, non-fat latte, cappucinoized, Espresso, frapucinoized, iced coffee, double shot, triple shot, extra foam, americano (on ice - living dangerously).... What shall I have today? This love affair with coffee will never end. I imagine - heaven - one of the perks - as having THE BEST coffee ever sitting their waiting to be enjoyed. I can't live without it.
Just five more minutes and I can walk and get me one....... (problem - just which corner do I walk too.....)


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