Random challenge from 2peas
Random Challenge from BonnieRose
Fill In The Blanks.
1. I almost peed myself when Natalie asked my hubby and I to make a baby and then preceded to tell Rowan how that happens. She then heard me tell her dad that Nat was teaching Ro about Sex and Natalie screamed "YOU MEAN YOU HAVE TO HAVE SEX - THAT'S SEX DISGUSTING!!!!
2. Country music = Cowboy Troy.
3. The smell of leather reminds me of A GREAT Syrah.
4. When I was little my mom told me that only rough girls got tatoos and body piercing.... (ooopse)
5. The last time I screamed was because I saw a FIVE inch (it was FIVE INCHES IF NOT BIGGER) COCK ROACH walk between my feet at a nursing conference I was at. YES I SCREAMED and so did the next four rows when they looked down.
6. The one person I aspire to be most like is Christ - I aspire to be more Christ like..
7. I am saved by grace every day. (thank God)
8. I scrapbook because it's a GREAT outlet AND I want to pass it down to my girls and their kids and so on.....
9. People drive me crazy when they act clueless (or are clueless).
10. A special gift I remember receiving, that meant the world to me, was any handmade gift from the girls. Usually Natalie draws pictures and writes a story and makes it into a book. Rowan usually draws pictures of the two of us hanging out. My build a bear they got me for Christmas - with the "We love you Mom you are the best" recorded in it's paw - made me cry too!
In keeping with the Summer fun colors of this post - I finished another layout and heading to bed. I am not as fast at Burberrygirl or BonnieRose so three layouts in one day is AWESOME for me. I am also not as CREATIVE as they are!!! They both belong on design teams!!!

So this is not the GREATEST layout -but I had fun, used my Xyron Design Runner and freed up my doodling and altering.... and the colors SCREAM summer.... I am just looking for spring right now... Did you know it's snowed the last two days.... Arrrrrrrrgh..... Why didn't is snow in December and January!!!! Okay - I really have to go to bed - I need to be up at 0800!
What a gorgeous LO .. Love the colours!
OMG!!! That's my favorite layout of yours! Beautiful!
Go to bed girl! LOL.
Love your answer. Your girls are so funny!
Leather=wine, good call!!!
good list!
I LOVE the colors of this one.. you are right it breathes summer! Your answers were great.. I gotta get to doing mine laters! Off to my mammo appt this morning.. yuck.
Great layout. I love it! Great list too.
I love the layout. Very cute. Dana
Your "peed my pants" one totally cracked me up! That is so funny! Cute layout TFS :)
ewwwwww...i hate roaches. and we have some pretty big ones here in FL too. *shudder*
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