My momma always said.....
My Momma always said you could tell alot about a person by the way they knit..... (add a southern slow draw....)
Disclaimer - I hated the movie Forest Gump. HATED IT! Occasionally we go to the restaurant at the Navy Pier - and get annoyed at all the Forest Gump Trivia you have to go through to order dinner - but they do know how to fix southern shrimp.....
So - here is my scarf to date (time)..... I am having so much fun with this!!!

My teacher at Sister Art Studio said that some people have tight stitches and some have really loose stitches and people are inbetween the spectrum. Everyone has their own "knit stitch." She made a comment that my stitches looked great - even, beginning knitters work months to get these even stitches. I then reminded her that I was paying her to say this. (LOL) She would show me how knit and make a comment how her stitches were "a bit looser than yours cause I am a looser knitter." (this would always be in response to my anal - "are you sure my stitches are okay - they look so different from yours?") Then I said - you can probably tell alot about a person by the way they knit. She laughed and said - "yeah actually you can - I can tell you are a perfectionist." I then added - "anal and see life as black or white?" We both had a good laugh.
Several of you have asked me about the yarn. Isn't it FAB! I love the color combo. It felts too! Here is a close up.

Lion Brand Yarn. I am on my second skein and sure I will use the third. My stitches are tight aren't they.... So I need to go by Sister Art Studio (again - o my) to get another skein before she sells out!!!! It's LOL!!! I am going to put fringe on the end of my scarf when it's done - want to have enough!!!
I met with my Prayer Partner last night at Dunkin Donuts (for coffee and talking - then praying). I got there a lil early for "me time." I took my knitting. It was so relaxing to sit in the coffee shop and knit. We had a GREAT talk last night. Prayer time was healing as well. I am praying we can consistently get together from here on out - she just had a baby and I am insanely busy so our schedules never melt. I need to make this a priority. I got home at like MN - and sat up for an hour and knitted while talking with the hubby. I got up this AM - blogged a bit - thought about NOT working out then was immediately convicted, scrapped a lil, spent time with the girls - and now I HAVE to go to work. (blech, yuck, it's hard to go back after time off. I was filled with feelings of "do I still have a job?" to "Do I have to go back?" to "time to get going again yoohoo!") Then they called and asked (If I would stay home?? no such luck) if I would change to 7P to 7A - Call in's and no one to be in charge..... I grudgingly agreed to work nights..... I am so bummed right now.... I rushed my workout so that I could get things done to get home and blah blah blah..... Why did I have to answer the phone........
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