12 June 2005

Family Dinner Time....

Picnic in the park.... Lately that is the trend. The weather has been wonderful. We are packing up the veggies and fruit from the farmers market, grilled chicken for the salads and water. The girls priority is to get the "toys" for the park. I couldn't resist this photo op - the family table moved to the park. Who says all family dinners have to be at a rectangle table in your house???? Honestly - there are alot less "who touched my feet," "I want to sit by mommy," "I don't like this veggie" at the park. It's like a magical transformation into civilized children at the park. We eat, laugh, talk about the day - and relax. Clean-up is mostly paper plates, forks and napkins in a plastic bag dropped in the trash can on the way home..... I am thinkin - this is a good trend.............


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