26 May 2005

Five more minutes and time spent well....


Today I had the unique opportunity to meet with my new "Prayer Partner", "Accountability Partner", or "friend." It was an AWESOME time of sharing and getting to know one another better. I haven't had a "Prayer Partner" since moving here almost a year ago (wow has it been a year already?? I think I was interviewing about this time last year....) and this was much needed in my life. I found my spiritual walk getting set aside for five mintues more of sleep, five minutes more of work, scrapbooking, time with my girls... You get the point. Now - I have dedicated time every other week with her AND I have dedicated time to concentrate daily on her prayers. I am back to writing in my spiritual journal and keeping it with me - this also feels "back to normal." I had originally scheduled about an hour and then I would go get my oldest daughter from school - but pleasantly - the time excaped us. We ended up going as a group to get Nat - and returning to spend at least another hour together. It was really relaxing, nice, refreshing and definitely therapeutic. So - today - the five more minutes was a God-Send! I found myself wanting just five more minutes as she was leaving.... NOW, I just want five more minutes to rest before I have to head off to work.

Have a Blessed day!



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