07 February 2006

SB Journaling Blog Challenge (2Peas) 2.07.06

10 Things That Bug Me.
from BonnieRose

List 10 things that 'bug you' and elaborate if you care to. I did a layout about this for my 'BOOK OF ME' a few years ago, and it's funny when I look at this layout now.. not much has changed... although I can think of a few more things to add to my list...

Ten things that bug me.... I am trying really hard - with the whole Balance thing I am trying to pull off - to say things in a positive way. However, I totally see how a page like this could fit into my ME book. The girls could sit around in ten or so years laughing at what use to bug me.....

  1. People who crack their gum. The occasional gum cracking can be overlooked - but the incessant gum cracking drives me up a wall.
  2. American Idol - it just bugs me....
  3. Finally getting a night off that my favorite show (of the moment is on) and I can watch it on real time instead of videotaped and it's a repeat.
  4. Finally getting that night off of my favorite show and it's not a repeat but I FALL ASLEEP cause I am so tired!
  5. Getting fries at McDonalds and they are cold (meaning I forgot to order NO SALT FRIES).
  6. The alarm when it goes off - working nights has made my internal clock perfect for getting up in the afternoon - so on the days I have to get up at a certain time just stinks....
  7. Leftovers - I can't eat them and while I am putting them away I feel like it's a waste....
  8. Parents who aim their kids at me in Triage that are actively vomiting.... (this happens alot - you move and they re-aim the kid....)
  9. People who walk down the sidewalk two and three (sometimes four) a breast and walk very slow.... hard to get around unless you walk out onto the road....
  10. All those Movie Star Mags... I just couldn't imagine being under the microscope like they are and it makes me sick that people are making money off of it.

How about you?


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