12 July 2005

last thoughts of Australia

So - we are TRYING to relax but we seem to have used more energy here in Australia then we did at home. (ok that is probably an exageration.)

While sitting at the cafe' sipping my skinny flat white, we were reflecting on our time in this great country and a few notes came to mind....

Last Friday we traveled 15 hours into the future to arrive (23 hours later) in Australia. Culture shock was subtle but there. We were instantly tranformed by the laid back nature and friendly atmosphere.

We became acclimated quickly to the time change due to traveling at night and (thankfully) sleeping on the plane the entire trip (mostly).

We haven't wasted one minute while we have been here. This place invigorates and enlivens you. (oh that was the conference... no really - this place is very invigorating)

CS Lewis is quoted all over (inspirational).

Coffee - I am so going to miss the coffee....

God has spoken to us both at the conference and as we were wandering around Aus. (Wandering is a good description of it.)

We have made many friends here - a few of which we hope to keep in contact with. That's odd in and of itself for a holiday.

Norm has been forced outside of his box, and I have been forced to help him assimilate here. A big learning process for us both. Marriage builder?????

I FINALLY found some Scrap book stuff (ha ha - I have been looking the entire time we have been here - I finally found two scrap book mags exclusive to AUS. Of course - NOW I see SEVERAL stores we could have just hopped on the train to visit.... I guess we will just have to come back....)

What weighs heavy on our minds right now is a possible trip to Rwanda next year for the 100 days of hope.

And as always - how blessed we are to have Grammie and Grampie watching our girls in the states, the network of support for them from our friends, Dan and Jill who helped the clan get around AND keeping them active. We were VERY fortunate. We were also blessed by God to come on this trip. When the thought first hit us to come here (after three mailings from Hillsong) - we prayed and said - if it was meant for us to go God would pave a way. And he did! Praise God!

Our prayers turn to - now what do you want us to do? Rwanda? Conference later? application home in the States?

Tomorrow we will fly fifteen hours into the past - to arrive home and smoother my girls in hugs an kisses!!!! I will miss this place, and God willing we will come back for another visit and conference.

As we are getting ready to return to the states (I don't want to pack - no no no no) - (I don't want to unpack at home.... no no no) we will probably not visit another internet cafe' (and as I type this I need to hurry - minutes are ticking away).... So look for a post when we return.

See you soon Ro and Nat..... hugs (BIG HUGS) and kisses!!!!


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