24 May 2005

Hello Hello - Hola'

Just Five More Minutes... or more?
What an odd peculiar title you might say.... that would describe me. I try my best to not conform to popular culture, societies view of life or the "norm" as it is said. This is applied to all walks of my life. Just five more minutes... or more, is a common phrase we hear if we are "moms", "teachers", "nurses", or yes - even "spouses." It's a common phrase we say if we are awakened from a deep sleep by the annoying alarm clock, outside playing in the beautiful spring weather, the last few minutes of our lunch hour, spending time with dear friends, family or "alone." It's a phrase our personal trainer yells at us in the gym, it's an ever present cry from God who is competing for our attention, it's in the looks of our children on our way out the door to work, it's in our grandparents eyes when we visit them at the nursing home.
It describes a deep internal cry in all of us out of desparate need for more time in this ever changing, perpetually faster moving culture that is driven by the "information highway." We are all tapped into the microwave mentality of - I want it now, not five minutes from now - NOW! We expect fast service, fast delivery, quick fixes to our problems and quick answers to our questions. We have lost sight of "time." As a result, when things that take more than five minutes we lose our attention and our buttons are pushed causing us to react. How many times are you standing in line, sitting in traffic, on hold with a customer support tech, at work or even with your family and friends and you think - just five more minutes and I am free, five more minutes wasted, or how many more five minutes will tick by wasting time? We have become an inpatient society and with that increasingly more frustrated by the "norm" of time it takes to get from point a to point b, results, answers, help, time with a loved one..... Descriptions of "instant gratification", "immediate results", "hot n now", "instant approval", "10 minute delivery or free service", etc... have become our outlook on life.
I am by far NOT perfect. I too, become frustrated with waiting. I become even more frustrated when my time is whittled away from my family, friends and alone time. I am even frustrated, lately, at my lack of time I am devoting to my spiritual walk. It seems that every "scheduled" bible study, class, service or alone time - is infringed upon by work, family or friends. The latter not an issue as much as the former. Many times the former takes me away from the latter since they are usually with my spiritual activities I am not able to get to. My journaling time is infringed upon, my scripture reading is thwarted by falling asleep, my prayer time is distracted by my children who want to spend time with me. I am not complaining - and I do not have the answer to my dilema. I just know that this title - Just Five More Minutes... or more, describes my multitasking, frantic, busy life. I am sure it describes a part of yours as well. I love my life, my girls, my husband (who has stuck with "US" through good and bad) and my job. This blog was an impulse creation born out my addiction and love for scrapbooking and papercrafts, my need to work on my spiritual walk, my desire to share my thoughts and develop my writing skills and an outlet for all of the above.
So - welcome to Just Five More Minutes ...... This is not a "instant gratificatoin" blog. This is a pull up your coffee, latte, chai latte, tea (which we are getting accustomed to give our soon to be travel to the UK) or H2O - and sit back, share and delight. Just five more minutes til reality... or more?

Have a Blessed and Not So Rushed Week......


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