So - I am running up the steps to my place, wired on green tea (changed - radically changed the diet this week) worried I wouldn't be able to fall asleep right away - thinking I would pull out the knitting and do a few rows - calm the green tea adhd triggered episode - knowing I have to be back to work at 1100 in the AM today - and look what surprised me as I openned the door to my place..... (was that a run-on?)
On my dining room table sat this wonderful tote........
Which has it's own funny story behind it. I was at the scrapbook store today for our meet up with the CJ participants - and I inquired as to how many rollar green totes they have - cause lime green is my favorite color and all... and the owner told me one - the floor model. SO - I told her I would not be above buying the floor model. SHE REFUSED TO SELL ME THE FLOOR MODEL! I was rather shock'd. Some bogus story about how she would not be able to pre-order more if she didn't have the floor model. ???? I guess I should have known right then and there but I was sleep deprived, caffiene deprived and caught off gaurd. I mean, it's her store right?
NOW I know the rest of the story. While sitting in the meet up - sippin starbucks and eatting a bagel - my husband darted out saying he had to do something with Christina - the owner. He looked a tad bit desheveled - but didn't think much of it... AGAIN - I was sleep deprived, caffeine deprived AND caught off gaurd. I was just trying to remain vertical in a chair. He went out, purchased the tote, stuffed it in the back of the car and returned to the meet up me none the wiser.
One must wonder if he was ready to swallow his toungue when I was trying purchase one for myself before we left the store.....
Speaking of the store - I haven't been there in a while - out of the mojo you know. THERE WAS A TON OF NEW STUFF!!!!!!! I have to go back on Monday after my class. GEESH what I was missing by staying away...... between the knitting stores and the scrapbooking stores - I MUST stay working!!!!!! LOL!!!!
THIS was also sitting there (or rather hanging there) waiting for me as well. It appears my hubby has taken up a hobby that I have not (YET). HE MADE ME KNITTING STITCH MARKERS!!!!!!
He made lil ones and big ones. They are so cute!!!!!!! I think he did a pretty darn good job..... now... the beading.... I want to learn...... I wonder what chunk of free time that will take up - AND then - what will I have to make up in working to fund this hobby... LOL!!!!!
Seriously.... I can leave that hobby to him..... it suits him don't you think?????
AND if that is not enough - in my room on my dresser - was this.......
Natalie made a "Supplie's Closet" for my scrapbook stuff to go on my table. Is that not the most innovative idea? I can just see her setting it up to surprise me for when I got home this morning.........
Okay - off to bed because 0900 is going to be here soon!!!!!!!
HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all you moms!!!!!

NOW I know the rest of the story. While sitting in the meet up - sippin starbucks and eatting a bagel - my husband darted out saying he had to do something with Christina - the owner. He looked a tad bit desheveled - but didn't think much of it... AGAIN - I was sleep deprived, caffeine deprived AND caught off gaurd. I was just trying to remain vertical in a chair. He went out, purchased the tote, stuffed it in the back of the car and returned to the meet up me none the wiser.
One must wonder if he was ready to swallow his toungue when I was trying purchase one for myself before we left the store.....
Speaking of the store - I haven't been there in a while - out of the mojo you know. THERE WAS A TON OF NEW STUFF!!!!!!! I have to go back on Monday after my class. GEESH what I was missing by staying away...... between the knitting stores and the scrapbooking stores - I MUST stay working!!!!!! LOL!!!!

Seriously.... I can leave that hobby to him..... it suits him don't you think?????

Natalie made a "Supplie's Closet" for my scrapbook stuff to go on my table. Is that not the most innovative idea? I can just see her setting it up to surprise me for when I got home this morning.........
Okay - off to bed because 0900 is going to be here soon!!!!!!!
HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all you moms!!!!!
B -- I am so GLAD you liked the tote -- I spent the whole weeked wondering how mad you must have been with me! I don't know what we would have done if you had insisted on buying the tote but thankfully, I walked away after telling you I wouldn't sell it to you (I have to admit I was laughing!). Thank goodenss you were tired and not really up for a "fight"! Any other day, as you know, I would sell you the floor model, but we didn't want to ruin N's surprise! Happy Mother's Day!
Oh,that is so sweet! DAna
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