Random Blog from 2Peas
Was exhausted after group tonight and curling up with the girls (separately because they are having hormonal issues) just did me in. I was asleep AGAIN by 2230 AND never got to see LOST (on tape). AGGGGGGGGGGGGGH Now I am wide awake, hips aching (might be the four miles I actually ran tonight - my body is revolting... believe me the actual run was NOT pretty), Knee throbbing and ALIAS is on my FAV network TNT (they know drama). Burberrygirl posted a random challenge to post a layout.... (btw - you should check out her cool layouts!!!) I am toooooo lazy to get out of bed and finish the one on my table BUT I did have this one I uploaded last night... it's for my circle journal due next week. The person wanted a two page layout on "fur baby." Dogs, cats, fish, whatever your pet is.... I don't have a pet (biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig pout).
However - I have a build-a-bear that Natalie and Rowan made and gave me for Christmas to take to India with me. Lucy is my Fur Baby. So - I did a LO on my fur baby. I know - a little over the edge isn't it..... I truly am a grown adult functioning quite well in the real world.....

Not my favorite layout. It was also for the GG challenge week one - Ali Edwards Scraplift. I am sure Ali would have done better......
Okay - off to suck down more Motrin, turn up the heating pad and hopefully fall blissfully asleep. Rowan and I are headed to American Girl Place for Lunch after she picks out her American Girl Doll - it's part of her Birthday. It's just a mommy and Ro day.... You think I'll be taking pictures????? oh yeah baby!!!!
So cute!! A great idea to do it about the bear!!
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